Zoomin’ with Bob
Paint the Effect of Light
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
3 hours of instruction, demos and painting assignments
10:00am – noon and 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
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Why do you need good and effective lighting in your paintings?
This Zoomin’ with Bob workshop is all about learning and practicing general color principles about lighting techniques.
•You will learn about light source – from spot light to broad beam lighting
•You will practice with darks and lights, contrast and color to make your work more dimensional and alive
•You will learn about shadows – what color and where to place!
This information may change your entire way of painting. More choices, more color. Light up your next painting with more light!
Sign up today!
•Paint the Effects of Light
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
10:00am – noon and 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Deposit $50
Paid in Full $175
Questions? Contact Kate, kate@robertburridge.com
Upon your registration, we will send you a confirmation email and the materials list. All Zoomin’ with Bob! sessions will be on the Zoom platform. You will receive an invitation + your login information approximately 5 days before your session.
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