Bob’s Resource List
of Favorite Stuff for his Studio!

I am always asked at my workshops – What are my favorite art materials I work with in my studio? So, I put together this rather complete list – from paint to paper to brushes; varnishes to mediums; barrier creams to signing pens! As I discover more products and fall in love with them, I will add to my list. These are the products and materials that work for me!
Please Note: This is not my workshop materials list.
Click HERE for printable Art Materials Resource List (PDF).
Click HERE to download Acrobat Reader.
Art Materials
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff
•Fabriano Artistico paper
•Kilimanjaro Watercolor Paper
•Joe’s Prime Wooden Painting Panels
•Cheap Joe’s Prime Canvas
•Holbein Artist Acrylic Paint
•Isabey, Isacryl and Escoda Brushes
•Holbein Color Gesso
Jerry’s Artarama
•Golden UVLS Polymer Varnish
•Derwent Inktense Pencils & Blocks
•Derwent Graphitone Pencils
•Liquitex Professional Spray Paint, waterbased
•Holbein Acrylic Fluid
•Holbein Acrylic Inks
•Holbein Color Gesso
Utrecht/Dick Blick
•Professional Gesso
(Buy in Gallons!)
Nova Color
•Ask for a color chart!
•Also, Bob buys their empty jars and lids to store extra color mixes.
Masterpiece Artist Canvas
•”Museum Wrap” Canvases
Check website for the retailer closest to you.
Bob’s Favorite Drawing Supplies
•BFK Rives Drawing Paper
•Strathmore Toned Gray Sketch Paper
•Strathmore Multi Media Paper
•General Pencil
•Lyra Graphite Crayons
•Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils
•Soho Charcoal and Sketch Squares
•Liquitex Professional Acrylic Ink
•Dakota Art Pastels (
(Bob’s source for all pastels!)
•Paul deMarrais Oil Sticks (
•SpectraFix Natural Non-Toxic
Pastel Fixative (Bob uses pump spray)
Bob’s Favorite Varnishes
Minwax Waterbased Polycrylic Varnish
(your choice of sheen)
Golden’s Polymer Varnish with UVLS
Dorland’s Wax Medium
Brush Cleaners
Citra Solv
Citra Solv’s Artist Site
Also for making collage papers!
Murphys Oil Soap
Full strength!
Marvelous Marianne
Savvy Soap & Brush Cleaner
Bob’s Favorite Signing Pens
Zig Painty Pens
oil-based, permanent
Sharpie Oil Based Paint Pen
Make sure it’s Oil-based!
Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens
Variety of nib sizes. Bob likes Superfine, Fine and Medium.
Hand Barrier Cream
Burt’s Bees Hand Salve
Gloves in a Bottle Shielding Lotion
Marvelous Marianne
Skin Safer
Jerry’s Artarama Studio Easel
Soltek Easel (plein air)
EASyL plein air easel by Artwork Essentials
Art Alternatives
Napa Table Easel & Book Stand
Framing & Presentation
Custom cut mats, backboards and frames
Acid Free White Artist Tape
Check out this website framing4yourself
OOK Framer’s Pro Wire 30#
also available 50# for heavier pieces
Self-piercing Lath Screws
(buy at the hardware store)
Clear Bags
West of Rockies
East of Rockies
Floater Frames
We buy ours from
(Our favorite is “natural maplewood”)
Shipping Supplies
Airfloat Systems
Art Voyager Art Carrying & Shipping Case
Jerry’s Artarama
Uline Shipping Supply
•Pressure Sensitive Brown Kraft tape (item #S-909)
U-Haul Moving & Storage
•Same great tape as ULine, only you can buy one at a time!
Marketing Resources
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New American Paintings
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