“Burridge Loosen Up Workshop Combo” (eVersion)​

Can’t make it to a Robert Burridge Workshop?
This is the perfect combo for you to learn and practice Bob’s Loosen Up Painting Techniques!
•Loosen Up Workshop Notes Pack eVersion
These are the exact painting workshop handout notes from
Robert Burridge’s “Loosen Up Workshops for Artists” series.
11 handouts.
•Goof-Proof Color Wheel Kit
We send you the parts and you put it together! Includes color wheel, pointer, instructions, color combination examples, and color comparison chart.
•3 Essential Art Studio and Plein Air Guides Digital Version
Three compact digital versions of the full-sized studio charts: Composition, Rembrandt-Style Lighting & Value and How to Paint the Illusion of Glass.
Burridge Loosen Up Workshop Combo eVersion
$34.95 + sales tax (CA & NC residents)

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