Zoomin’ with Bob

Quick & Easy Drip Tree Tricks
May 27, 2025​

10:00am – noon and 1:00 – 3:00pm PT

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In this Quick & Easy Drip Tree Tricks workshop, you will learn two techniques to paint Bob’s popular row of Drip Trees and painting a Single Tree, using Reductive Painting technique.

He will demo and you can paint along, using the three steps he takes to practice painting abstract, “ethereal” drip trees. Bob makes all of this up – not on location, but in the comfort and safety of his own studio!

If you are looking for more fun, and painting too, this workshop is for you! Burridge’s positive, fearless and supportive approach inspires everyone to paint with endless possibilities. Many demos, painting time and critiques from Bob. All levels. Handouts will be emailed.

Sign up today!

•Quick & Easy Drip Tree Tricks
May 27, 2025
10:00am – noon and 1:00 – 3:00pm PT
Paid in Full: $175
Deposit: $50

Questions? Contact Kate, kate@robertburridge.com

Upon your registration, we will send you a confirmation email and the materials list. All Zoomin’ with Bob! sessions will be on the Zoom platform. You will receive an invitation + your login information approximately 5 days before your session.

Click HERE for the Black Friday Online Workshops Policy.

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