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Weekly BobBlast #30

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Dear Artist,
Oh... What to Paint Next?

This question bounces around inside every painter's head: What should I be painting next?

The real question you might ask yourself, "If I take a MAGIC PILL, what do
I really want to paint?"

Your initial answer is the right one. Don't get too cerebral about this answer. You will over-think the question!

Your non-logical, passionate side blurts out your true need  - And that's your next new series.

The fire in the belly is more conducive to a passionate and personal body of work rather than another milk-toast, same old thing...

Fire it up!

Haystack Series

Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge
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Sedona Magic, 20x20 inches, acrylic/collage on paper
To read about Bob's studio practices, intentions, and goals for paintings,
check out his "Loosen Up and Studio Notes" Workbook.
Click here for more info and to order.

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