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Weekly BobBlast #16

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Dear Artist,
Take the Time to Think Differently

Being creative takes time. The problem with our fast, electronic life style
and frantic energy we spend using our precious time efficiently, results in  undermining our creativity.

If your brain is always multi-tasking or responding to techno interruptions, there is no time or energy for undirected mental playtime. If you are consumed by the same old information loop circulating around your same 
old friends, you don't have anything to stimulate you into thinking differently.

By taking the time to think differently AND paint creatively you'll be able to experience life instead of information.

Be Inspired!

Love, Peace & Happiness,
Robert Burridge
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Santos, 40x30 inches, acrylic and collage on paper
To read about Bob's Intentions and Goals for a painting,
check out his "Loosen Up and Studio Notes" Workbook.
Click here for more info and to order.

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